
Jornal de Negócios and Advocatus feature signature of the protocol in the context of advanced training for lawyers

30/05/2013 , Jornal de Negócios e Advocatus
The signing of the protocol between PLMJ and Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Global School of Law (CGSL) was featured in both the newspaper Jornal de Negócios and the magazine Advocatus. The agreement signed between the two entities provides for a tailor-made training programme for PLMJ lawyers and for PLMJ to provide support for the master’s in tax law at the university. It also covers other joint initiatives between PLMJ and UCP - CGSL. Present at the signature of the protocol were (in the photo from left to right): PLMJ tax partner Serena Cabrita Neto and PLMJ finance partner Jorge Brito Pereira – both lecturers at UCP, PLMJ managing partner Manuel Santos Vitor who signed the protocol with the director of the Lisbon law faculty of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Henrique Sousa Antunes, and the director of the Católica Global School of Law, Luís Barreto Xavier. Manuel Lopes Rocha, the partner responsible for PLMJ’s training centre Excelentia also attended the signing of the protocol alongside lecturer Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo.



Download the pdf to read the Jornal de Negócios article:


See the Advocatus here:


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