
Macau newspaper features Luís Sáragga Leal’s comments during a trip to China

10/03/2011 , Ponto Final

A few days away from arriving in Macau for that last leg of the trip to China, Luís Sáragga Leal’s comments in the interest of Chinese investors in the Port of Sines have been quoted by the local press. The Macau newspaper Ponto Final put a spotlight on the managing partner’s visit to Macau and quotes the words of the PLMJ partner on investments Portugal, China and the countries of the CPLP - the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries: “The appearance in the CPLP of Chinese-Portuguese or Portuguese-Chinese investments is on the horizon, and may even have more impact on the Portuguese economy than investment in Portugal", said Luís Sáragga Leal. These same statements were also widely covered in the Portuguese press, including Jornal de Notícias online, Advocatus, in the issues of Leiria Económica, at Cargo Ediçõ, Transportes em an at vida Imobiliá

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