
Manuel Lopes Rocha in the Diário de Notícias and at the “Portuguese Radio Club”


The portuguese  newspaper Diário de Notícias published the past 22nd of November under the title  “Cyber crime without punishment” an article which included PLMJ Equity Partner Manuel Lopes Rocha’s declarations, an expert in internet and e-commerce law.

In the article, Manuel Lopes Rocha, Head of the Firm’s IP, Trademark and Patent law Department, defends the transposition of the Cibercrime Convention (signed in 2001 by 36 countries, Portugal included, yet only ratified by 8) into portuguese internal law.

The day before, on the same area (internet and e.commerce) Manuel Lopes Rocha had been interviewed for the “Portugues Radio Club” by Ana Sousa Dias.

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