
PLMJ Brazilian Partnership with TozziniFreire Advogados highlighted in Portuguese Press


José Luís de Salles Freire., Managing Partner of the reputed Brazilian Law Firm Tozzini Freire Advogados, PLMJ institutional Partner  in Brazil and Luis Sáragga Leal, PLMJ’ s President of  the Board  of Directors,  in an interview to the Jornal de Negócios published  in its 18th of February edition, speak  on the current  economical and financial crisis , its  consequences for the law firms  under their management  and for the 2004- instituted  Partnership between PLMJ and Tozzini Freire.

For both Lawyers, if the “full service” law practice developed  by their Firms  shall permit  them  to face and overcome the crisis more easily (some practice areas shall compensate those which have decreased)  in the difficult years to come opportunities are bound to occur for  law firms with more capacity,  better performance and better preparation, as it is the case of PLMJ and Tozzini Freire.

 In what the Partnership is concerned both Lawyers express their optimism.

 «...  the partnership aims to be extended to other markets besides Portugal  and Brazil  and shall benefit from the  added values  from the   language and alliances established by PLMJ with other Partners, being Angola and Mozambique the countries where joint efforts shall be  more concentrated» declares José Luis de Salles Freire.

«  Both Tozzini Freire  and PLMJ  have the objective of supporting portuguese and brazilian enterprises  in their quest for internationalization and the logic shall be “bilateral partnerships” to turn  into “multilateral partnerships” for the benefit of the  four  countries»  says Luis Sáragga  Leal.

 Please clik the pdf file for full interview

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