
The newspaper Jornal de Negócios reports on the awards received by Luís Sáragga Leal e Luís Pais Antunes from the American Best Lawyers directory.

08/02/2012 , Jornal de Negócios
PLMJ partners PLMJ Luís Sáragga Leal and Luís Pais Antunes were awarded the accolade Lawyers of the Year in their respective fields of Corporate / M&A and telecommunications, by U.S. directory Best Lawyers in Portugal 2012. By these prestigious nominations, the American directory once again recognised the experience, dedication and expertise of 36 PLMJ lawyers, who were already named as Best Lawyers in 2010 and 2012 in several areas.


Jornal de Negócios, 08/02/2012

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