
13 new Legal Trainees join PLMJ


17th of September, PLMJ shall be receiving a new team of 13 Legal Trainees. Their names are Ana Rita Parreira, Clara Parreira, Dirce Reis Rente, Filipa Nunes Dias, Filipa Veiga Gomes, Hugo Sá, Maria Inês Assis, Pedro Ângelo, Raquel Sofia Lemos, Sérgio Brigas Afonso, Sofia Coutinho, Tiago Assunção and Andreia Rodrigues (Algarve office).

The Trainees were selected among the best law students from the Lisbon, Coimbra, Nova and Catholic University Law Schools.

PLMJ detains a strong policy of organic growth reason why the great majority of   its Lawyers (partners included) are former PLMJ Trainees.

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