
Accreditation of the PLMJ Training Programme by the Portuguese Bar Association


PLMJ is the first Portuguese law firm to achieve the accreditation of its Training Programme at the District Council of the Portuguese Bar Association. The accreditation has immediate effects, contemplating the plan in course and the training actions to take place as from next April 14th.

Under the scope of this accreditation process, a total of 350 CU’s (Credit Units) were conferred to the PLMJ Training Programme, divided among the several courses included in that Programme. Initiatives are still in progress with a view to complement the scope of the accreditation obtained at the Oporto and Faro District Councils of the Portuguese Bar Association. The PLMJ Training Programme is available for consultation on-line at the PLMJ website.

We are honoured by the acknowledgement that the accreditation by the Portuguese Bar Association represents in the belief of PLMJ in its Training Programme, which is a determinant aspect for the excellence of the future professional activity of its lawyers.

The Training Programme is open to Trainees outside PLMJ, pursuant to a Protocol entered into with the Lisbon District Council of the Portuguese Bar Association.


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