
Best Portuguese Law Student Works in PLMJ


“The great finalists” was the title of the piece publishedf in the weekly  magazine “Sábado”  about the best known portuguese  Medicine , Law, Architecture, Economy and International Relations Universities in order to find out  who were the best 2006/2007 pupils.

Cláudia Saavedra Pinto appears as the best 2007 portuguese Law Student, Graduated by the University of Coimbra Law  School.

With a qualification of 18 out of 20, Cláudia Saavedra Pinto is currently attending the PLMJ Legal Training September 2007 Course specialising herself in the areas of Public and Tax Law, according to her preferences.

The solidity of her legal formation and her unusual capacity of work  allied to her moral and human qualities, all of which   PLMJ has had  the opportunity   to  confirm and benefit,  foresee a promising  career as a Lawyer for Cláudia Saavedra Pinto.

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