
Global Arbitration Review highlights PLMJ as the first Portuguese law firm to participate in an ICSID international investment arbitration.

10/11/2011 , Global Arbitration Review

The prestigious international publication Global Arbitration Review (GAR) highlights the participation of PLMJ in an ICSID international investment arbitration case and underlines the fact that it is first Portuguese law firm to take part in an ICSID arbitration. Speaking to GAR, PLMJ partner Jose Miguel Judice, coordinator of the arbitration team and one of the lawyers in this case, recognises that this case "is an important step for the Portuguese arbitration community in general and the practice of international arbitration in PLMJ , in particular”. The article also mentions the participation of PLMJ partner Tiago Duarte, who is currently conducting academic research into "International Arbitration for Protection of Investment and Public Contracts", in Cambridge.

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