
Luís Pais Antunes at the OCDE’s 8th Global Forum on Competition


Luís Pais Antunes, PLMJ Equity Partner Heading the Firm’s Telecommunications and Information Technology (IP) practice area, was one of the guest speakers to the  inaugural session of the OCDE’s  8th Global Forum on Competition which took place in Paris the past 19th and 20th of February and gathered the Competition Authorities of more than 100 countries and representatives of the main international organizations.

The opening session counted with the participation of the FMI ’s General Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, followed by a round-table on the theme “Competition Policy, Industrial Policy and National Champions” with the presence of the former EU Competition Commissar, Mario Monti, Prof Elie Cohen, CNRS’ Director and Luis Pais Antunes .

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