
Luís Pais Antunes in the organization of the Conference “Local Answers for Global Challenges” the first of the theme to be included in the “Estoril Conferences”


Luís Pais Antunes, PLMJ Equity Partner, an expert in “Exports & International Commerce”, Vice-President of the Portuguese Parliament European Affairs Committee and Director of the Portuguese Strategic and international Studies Institute (IEEI), is one of the organizers to the Conference “Local Answers for Global Challenges” the first on this theme to be included in the “Estoril Conferences”.

The event shall take place from the 7th to the 9th of May at the Estoril Congress Center and will be gathering as speakers renowned national and international personalities from the business, academic and political sectors.

The “Estoril Conferences” cycle, a joint Initiative of the Cascais Municipality and the Portuguese Strategic and international Studies Institute (IEEI) aims to create a platform of international reflexion on the globalization challenges under the assumption that global issues need not only global but local solutions as well.

Please click the pdf file for program and speakers.


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