
Nuno Brito Lopes writes about Portugal on “GUIDE TO TAKEOVERS AND MERGERS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION”


PLMJ is pleased to announce the publication of A Practitioner’s Guide to Takeovers and Mergers in the European Union. Partner, Nuno de Brito Lopes has written the chapter covering Portugal in this comprehensive book which covers all 27 Member States and Turkey.

The adoption of the EU Takeover Directive and the subsequent passage of implementing legislation in most EU member states, should have created a level playing field for the conduct of European takeovers. However, the opt-out provisions within the Directive have meant that it sets only minimum standards and consequently there are substantial variations in law between Member States.

Nuno de Brito Lopes’s contribution provides a comprehensive overview of the laws and regulation in operation in Portugal. The reader will quickly be able to grasp the key aspects of the Portugese takeover regime and identify differences in this regime to those in operation in other Member States.

Full details can be found at

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