
Nuno Chaves Frota takes part in iPAD Angola 2012

Nuno Chaves Frota, international senior associate at GLA - Gabinete Legal in Angola, will participate as a speaker at the IPAD Angola 2012 conference. The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for discussion with high added value to Angola.
As speaker, Nuno Chaves Frota will address the theme "The new model of production and exploitation of mineral resources under the new Angolan mining code".
Nuno Chaves Frota will also participate in round table on the topic "exploitable reserves from the industrial point of view and conducting exploration and feasibility studies" which will discuss "The impact of the new mining code in respect of the promotion of exploration activities and feasibility studies".
The conference will be held from 3 to 5 July at the Epic Sana Hotel, in Luanda / Angola.


 For more information or to download a copy of the programme, please follow the link.

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