
PLMJ Centre and Eastern Europe Desk proceeds with success to its support to portuguese and foreign investment


PLMJ’s Centre and Eastern Europe Desk proceeds with great success its supportive action on behalf of portuguese investment in this Europe’s geographical zone and on the investment in Portugal by countries from the same region, already securing, as from January 2009, the interests of a Portugal - based Hungarian company acting in the field of the localization of car pools  through GPS systems.

The institution of  this  Desk took place following  the launching by the Portuguese Industrial Association (AIP), the past November 2008, of the Platform to support this kind of investments, an event which took place at the AIP’s premises in Lisbon with  the presence of the Embassies from the countries involved and the representatives of the following centre and eastern European law firms:

BNT - Pravda & Partner, v.o.s.

BNT – Sovova Chudáčková & Partner, s.r.o. (SLOVAQUIA)

BNT- Neupert Zamorska & Partnerzy s.c (POLAND)

Szecskay Attorneys at Law (HUNGARY)

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (ROMANIA)

Currently, following the spirit which characterizes this Desk, several joint initiatives between PLMJ and DZT, the largest Law Firm in Poland, are in course in order to support portuguese investment in Poland and polish investment in Portugal. One of these initiatives consists in the joint preparation of a Newsletter on several issues with interest for such investors.

Law Firm DZT, with head offices in Warsaw, at once for being the largest law firm in Poland, presents many structural and dimensional similarities with PLMJ. Furthermore, DZT includes a Portuguese Desk, permanently integrated by a Portuguese Lawyer, which permits an ideal articulation with  PLMJ Centre and Eastern Europe Desk for the legal counseling of Clients acting in Portugal and in Poland.   

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