
PLMJ Conference “Tax administration Powers and Tax Payers Guarantees”


PLMJ Tax Department organizes one more session of its “Tax Administration Powers and Tax Payers Guarantees ” Conferences.

The Conference will take place this time in Leiria and shall be held at the Region of Leiria Enterprise Association (NERLEI) an Association which counts with 670 associates and that extends its activities to neighbouring  Alcobaça, Batalha, Peniche  and Caldas da Rainha.
Rogério M. Fernandes Ferreira, PLM Equity Partner and co-head of the Firm’s Tax Law Department shall be opening  the Conference followed by the intervention of PLMJ Lawyers João Magalhães Ramalho, Nuno Cunha Barnabé, Francisco de Carvalho Furtado, Ana Moutinho Nascimento, Manuel T. Fernandes, José Pedroso de Melo, Joana Lança, Roberto Londral, João Maricoto Monteiro, Margarida Marques Carvalho, António Fernandes de Oliveira and António Pato.

Olívio Amador, University of Lisbon Law School Professor shall be the moderator to the  main topics on debate  such as, among others,  the  Limits to tax planning, Fiscal derogation of bank secrecy,  Fiscal caducity and prescription, and Tax Administration civil liability.

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