
PLMJ Conference on Biocombustibles


A Conference on Biocombustibles, integrating the Cycle of Conferences regarding relevant law issues which PLMJ has been lecturing, took place the past 8th of March at our main office in Lisbon.

Entitled ”Biocombustibles: A solution for the future? From licensing to tax exemption” the Conference counted with the participation of Manuel Santos Vítor, Equity Partner and Head of the Firm’s Energy and Natural Resources Department, Rogério M. Fernandes Ferreira, Equity Partner and co-Head of PLMJ Tax Department and also Luís Miguel Nunes and Manuel Teixeira Fernandes, PLMJ Associates working, respectively, for the mentioned Departments.

PLMJ Auditorium was too small to receive the great number of Clients, Lawyers, Regulatory and Administrative Authorities who assisted the event.

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