
PLMJ Conferences New Cycle


PLMJ shall be initiating a new Cycle of Conferences this time dedicated to the important theme "Understanding and meeting Client expectations - Responding to changes in the legal marketplace"

The first Conference shall take place the next 6th of November at the PLMJ Auditorium, from 9 to 1 p.m., and shall have as Speakers Moray McLaren (MBA in Legal Practice from the Nottingham Law School, Ex- Head of Marketing for IBA and for the Law Firm Denton Wilde Sapte, the current CEO of the Iberian Legal Group) Des O’Connel (MBA in Legal Practice from Nottingham Law School, Ex-Managing Partner of Pinset Masons, Ex - Director of Projects and Operations of the Barclays Bank Legal Department, currently the Counselor for the Sherwood PSF Consulting, specialized in Law Firm Consultancy

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