
PLMJ Conferences - “The New Public Contracts Code. What has changed”


Integrated in the PLMJ Cycle of Conferences, the Firm shall be holding, next Friday , the 4th h  of April , at the Lisbon Commercial Association. one more of its regular conferences dedicated ,this time, to the public sector of law.

The Conference entitled “The New Public Contracts Code. What has changed” and organized by the  PLMJ Public Law Area of Practice led by the  Firm’ s Consultant for this area, Prof. Rui Chancerelle de Machete, counts with the participation PLMJ Partners  Teresa de Melo Ribeiro, Filipe Abecasis, Paulo Moura Marques, Tiago Duarte and Pedro Melo with this PLMJ area of practice and also with the participation of Professor Vieira de Andrade, from the University of Coimbra Law School.

Moderating the conference shall be PLMJ Founding Partner José Miguel Júdice, Equity Partner Manuel Lopes Rocha and Prof. Rui Chancerelle de Machete.

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