
PLMJ Foundation celebrates 10 years in service of art in Portugal.

This week the PLMJ Foundation is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Over those 10 years it has focused on the work of young artists in various areas of the fine arts - painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and video. With a collection of contemporary art that is recognised both in Portugal and abroad, the PLMJ Foundation has made a great contribution to bringing attention to the arts in Portugal. Its collections feature recognised names alongside young artists at the beginning their careers. During these ten years, the Foundation has developed a representative collection of Portuguese artistic production over the last few decades and it now has about a thousand works of art (covering painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and video). It has also organised numerous exhibitions at its own gallery in Rua Rodrigues Sampaio in Lisbon, and at a variety of prestigious cultural institutions, and has loaned many of the works from its collection to important exhibitions in Portugal and abroad. The Foundation has also published dozens of books and catalogues that are works of reference in Portuguese fine arts and, above all, it has established itself as a very important actor in the cultural world and this also brings a great deal of prestige to PLMJ.

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