
PLMJ Foundation exhibition "100 works, 10 years," showing at the Arpad Szenes - Vieira da Silva Foundation, is covered in the Portuguese press

03/10/2012, Imprensa nacional
The exhibition marking the 10th Anniversary of the PLMJ Foundation - "100 works, 10 years", which is  currently showing in the Arpad Szenes - Vieira da Silva Foundation, in Lisbon until 27 January, is featured in the national press in newspapers such as Público, Jornal de Notícias and Time Out Magazine, among others. "100 works, 10 Years: A Selection from the Collection of the PLMJ Foundation" provides an overview of the collection of the PLMJ Foundation, which originally focused on Portuguese art and recently has also been dedicated to the works by artists from the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP). The exhibition brings together a series of works of art that celebrate the work of the PLMJ Foundation over the last decade. A catalogue accompanying the exhibition is available which includes pictures of the works exhibited and other works by participating artists. It also includes an essay by Miguel Amado, curator at the PLMJ Foundation. The exhibition is made of works exemplifying the multitude of aesthetics that characterises the PLMJ Foundation’s collection. It includes works that reflect a cross-section of the traditional disciplines, such as painting and sculpture and using new means of expression, such as video. It also reflects the trend to enter into a dialogue between the traditions of artistic languages and the practice of analysing social life, addressing the political and economic sphere. The exhibition brings together established and emerging artists from the national scene, focusing on names associated with the 1980’s, 1990’s and 2000s following the progression of the PLMJ Foundation’s collection. The participants include: Ângela Ferreira, Fernanda Fragateiro, Joana Vasconcelos, João Louro, José Pedro Croft, Julião Sarmento, Miguel Palma, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Pedro Calapez and Rui Chafes. The exhibition also includes emerging artists from the artistic world within the CPLP community, revealing a new aspect to the collection of the PLMJ Foundation, a pioneer in this field both in Portugal and abroad. The participants include: Celestino Mudaulane, Jorge Días, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Rosana Ricalde and Yonamine.

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