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We are looking for people who aim to go further and face the future with confidence.
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We are looking for people who aim to go further and face the future with confidence.
Within the scope of the Madrid ARCO Art fair, the PLMJ Foundation has been invited to participate in a Conference on the Art Critic Theory thematic which shall be presented by Miguel Amado, the person who regularly assists the Foundation in its major projects.
Miguel Amado shall be also interviewed by the Jornal de Letras- in its 4th to 14th February edition - on the “Options and Futures” exhibition, opened until the 4th of March at the Arte Comtempo Gallery, showing various paint, design, photography, sculpture and video art works belonging to the PLMJ Foundation Collection.
Furthermore, the last issue of the “Artes Magazine”, in an article dedicated to the launching of the book “Em Foco”, edited by the portuguese Publisher Assírio e Alvim ,and containing reproductions of photography works belonging to the Foundation Collection, refers these as being «representative of one of the best photographic moments of the second half of the XXth Century».