PLMJ Foundation presents the exhibition "Other Things" by Jorge Días, and "In the Mouth of the People" by Lino Damião, which opens on 10 October at 18:30 in the PLMJ Foundation gallery in Lisbon. These exhibitions explore imaginary past and present experiences of Mozambique and Angola. The exhibitions are open until 8 December on Wednesdays to Saturdays between 15.00 and 19.00. These exhibitions are part of the OFF programme of the PLMJ Foundation gallery, curated by Miguel Amado, and form part of the series of activities organised by the PLMJ Foundation dedicated to artists from Portuguese speaking African countries (PALOP). These exhibitions bring together works of art that give an overview of the more recent works of the artists and their themes. A catalogue accompanying the exhibition is available which includes an introduction by the curator. The work of Jorge Días and Lino Damião explores the imaginary past and present experiences of their respective countries, Mozambique and Angola. The works show some points in common: on the one hand, a sense of hope, a utopia. On the other hand, a sense of surrender to the uncertainties of a social life tormented by vain promises of the various ideologies that have marked their countries in recent decades. The subtle irony of their work conveys a critique - intense and sensitive as it is subtle and scathing; of the status quo of Mozambique and Angola. Jorge Dias uses shapes with symbolic meaning to convey issues of existentiality. In this exhibition, the artist examines the mythology and iconography of Mozambique in sculptures made of "poor" materials and everyday objects like “capulanas” – the colorful fabrics typical of Africa. The language of Lino Damião fits in comic book imagery. In this exhibition, the artist addresses the situation in Angola in paintings depicting scenes of everyday life starring characters that express the complex conditions of life of the people.
Jorge Días was born in Maputo, Mozambique, in 1972, where he lives and works. He studied visual arts at the National School of Visual Arts in Maputo and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has exhibited regularly since the early 1990s. His recent solo exhibitions include the following: "Human" (with Gemuce) (National Museum of Art, Maputo, 2005); "Zoology of the Tropics" (with Nelson Leirner) (Cultural Centre of Lagos, Lagos, 2005) , "Zoology of the Flows" (Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre, Maputo, 2007), "Transparency: Creative Processes and Reveries" (Camões Institute - Portuguese Cultural Centre, Maputo, 2010). Among his recent exhibitions, we highlight the following: "Replica and Rebellion: Artists of Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde and Mozambique" (National Museum of Art, Maputo, 2006); "Lisbon-Luanda-Maputo" (Torreão Nascente Gallery of Cordoaria Nacional, Lisbon, 2007); Fifth Biennial of Art and Culture of Sao Tome and Principe (2008), "Common Language" PLMJ Foundation gallery, Lisbon, 2011); "Roots" (Influx Contemporary Art, Lisbon, 2012 ).
Lino Damião was born in Luanda, Angola, in 197 , and lives and works in Lisbon. He studied visual arts at the National Institute of Artistic Training in Luanda. He has exhibited regularly since the late 1990’s. His recent solo exhibitions include the following: "Transparencies" (Museum of the Bank of Portugal, Lisbon, 2010); "Colored Beats" (Music Workshop of Aveiro, Aveiro, 2010); "Fusion" (with Antonio Pires ) (private house, London, 2012). Among his recent exhibitions, we highlight the following: "30 Years of Angolan Art" (National Union of Plastic Artists and the National Museum of Natural History, Luanda, 2005), First Luanda Triennial (2007), "Common Language" (PLMJ Foundation gallery, Lisbon, 2011).
The PLMJ Foundation, an institution founded by the law firm PLMJ - A.M. Pereira, Sáragga Leal, Oliveira Martins, Júdice and Associates, in Lisbon, has brought together a collection of art by artists from Portugal and the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP). It organises exhibitions, publishes books and takes part in other projects. In the PLMJ Foundation gallery, the PLMJ Foundation’s programme is based on its collection and on the unpublished projects of Portuguese and CPLP artists. Exhibitions that have taken place include those by Manuel Botelho, João Pedro Vale, Peter Calapez, Luisa Mota, Sara & André, Pedro Amaral, Joana Vasconcelos, Nuno de Campos and Ídasse/Pinto, as well as peices from the series "Options & Futures" and "Common Language".