
PLMJ Foundation within the Press


The tendency for the growing relevance which the portuguese media has been dedicating to the PLMJ Foundation’s initiatives and Collection  is maintained. The number of references which have been made, lately, to the Foundation by distinct media entities is indeed the proof that it is so.

The Jornal de Letras (a portuguese newspaper on Arts) does not escape to the rule,  with a reference to the PLMJ Foundation publication “Fotógrafos Portugueses do Pós- Guerra” in its 15th of March edition.

The article refers that the Foundation« based upon its own Collection decided to reveal the work of a pleiad of artists known to be, long before, the Founders of the portuguese Modern Contemporary Photography.

A reference is also made both to Luis Sáragga Leal, PLMJ Senior Partner and Founder and to Miguel Amado,  the authors of the publication’s prologue

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