
PLMJ Launches “Angola Investment Guide for 2008-2010”


Law Firms PLMJ and AVM Lawyers, with a Joint Venture for the rendering of legal services in an articulated manner in Portugal and in Angola, have just launched  the “Investment in Angola Guide” specially geared to / focused on / to foreign investors needs in Africa.

Angola is a country full of potentialities and has in the last years implemented a path of success towards peace, reconciliation and national reconstruction and to turn itself into one of the main points of attraction of foreign investment in Africa.

PLMJ and AVM Lawyers maintain a Partnership for professional cooperation. The Partnership is integrated in an international Network of Partnerships established by PLMJ gathering Offices of reputed Lawyers with a strong local influence in Portugal, several Eastern Europe Countries, Angola, Brazil, Mozambique and China.

The PLMJ&AVM Partnership permits legal assistance by experienced professionals to be rendered either in the Portuguese or in the Angolan market, depending on the case, with identical standards and values.

On the other hand, it allows Clients from any country included in the PLMJ International Network of Partnerships to be accompanied by local professionals of other countries, and enjoy at the same time the same quality of services.

This Investment Guide is part of a Collection of Investment Guides edited by PLMJ and by its Partner Offices, namely the ”Portugal Investment Guide“ and the “Mozambique Investment Guide”

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