
PLMJ Lawyers intervene as speakers in an IFE Seminar


Filipe Abecasis, Paulo Moura Marques, Filipa Cansado de Carvalho  and Manuel da Silva Gomes, PLMJ  Lawyers,  were the  invited speakers   to the Seminar organized by the IFE ( The International Faculty for Executives) the past  25th and 26th  of September.

The Seminar had as its main theme  the “ Private Works Contract” which included areas like the Type of Contracts and their  Main Clauses (  by Filipe Abecasis), the Characterization of the Public Works  Contract Legal Regime (  by Paulo Moura Marques),  the Resolution of Conflicts,  including Fore Litigation Means  (Mediation , Conciliation) and Arbitration ( by Filipa Cansado Carvalho), and Liabilities  and Nonfulfilment (  at Manuel da Silva Gomes’ charge)

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