
PLMJ Partnership With the Portuguese Law Firm Gama Lobo Xavier and Luís Teixeira de Melo


The Partnership between PLMJ and the Portuguese Law Firm Gama Lobo Xavier e Luis Teixeira de Melo, a prestigious law firm from the north of Portugal was celebrated the past 6th of October in the historical City of Guimarães.

A great number of individualities were present at the ceremony including the President of the Municipality of Guimarães, the President of the local Court of Appeal and other Magistrates, the President of the Oporto Portuguese Bar Association Council and Members, the Guimarães Delegation of the Bar, many Lawyers and Businessmen.

Present were also Lawyers, Manuel Rebanda from the Coimbra Partnership, Borges da Ponte from the Azores Parnership, who went specially to Guimarães to attend the event and to testify their general interest on the success of PLMJ’s net of Regional Partnerships, one more pioneer project of the Firm to become a national firm with a presence all over the country.

PLMJ was represented by the Firm’s President of the Board of Directors Luis Sáragga Leal, and by Partners Vitor Réfega Fernandes, the Coordinator for the Regional Parnerships and by Tomás Pessanha, responsible for the dinamization of this Partnership with the Oporto Office team of Lawyers.

The meetings which were held at the time permitted to jointly discuss several initiatives to be executed in a near future and also the idea of extending the Guimarães Partnership to the near Province  of Galiza, in Spain.


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