
PLMJ Partnerships with Angola and Brasil


Under the title “Angola and Brazil are investment priorities” Diário Económico published an article on the portuguese law firms’ partnerships with these two countries.

PLMJ has international Joint Ventures in Angola and Brasil, one with the renowned Angolan law firm MG Advogados, with offices in Luanda headed by Manuel Gonçalves, former President of the Angola Bar Association and, another, with the Brazilian reputed law firm Tozzini Advogados with head offices in S. Paulo. Jorge Brito Pereira, PLMJ Partner heading the International Joint Ventures, was interviewed by the DE together with Darcy Teixeira Júnior, the Tozinni Advogados Partner responsible for the Joit Venture with PLMJ, at the time in Lisbon for the Annual Meeting.


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