
PLMJ Project – Platform for support for SMCs and Startups in Jornal de Negócios


Sónia Teixeira da Mota, a partner in PLMJ in the finance and capital markets area, is the main driving force behind the project being developed by PLMJ involving the creation of a platform for legal support for small and medium-sized companies (SMCs) and start ups in the technological sector.

For Sónia, the creation of this platform aims to provide services to a group of organisations that have potential for growth, whether they are traditional SMCs or start ups which have come into being from the incubators or technology transfer offices linked to university centres.

Sónia explained that this project is evolving and is justified by the fact that the world of business in Portugal is dominated by micro, small and medium-sixed companies, a situation which enables the creation of innovative capacity in technological areas.  


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