
PLMJ Tax Law Practice with one of its regular contributions for the Diário Económico (DE) on current Portuguese tax developments


PLMJ Tax Law team, headed by Equity Partner Rogério M. Fernandes Ferreira, sees one more of its articles published in the 24th edition of the DE within the scope of the regular basis cooperation with this economics newspaper.

The article, subscribed by Rogério M. Fernandes Ferreira and by PLMJ Senior Associates with the same practice, Francisco de Carvalho Furtado and Ana Moutinho do Nascimento, under the title “After all it is almost possible” refers to the VAT Demandable New Regime which was recently approved by the Government for the goods national high way transportation services sector; its advantages for the latter, its current limitations  and the queries which may occur in the future should this new regime not comply either with terms of the Portuguese Constitution or with  the European VAT Directive.

According to the Authors, «The new regime aims to get close the moment of the VAT payment to the State and the moment of the client’s payment to the transport company». Currently applied to this sector, «it has been indeed the long time wanted VAT ambition by all economy operators». Time will tell if it is not, «the precedent or the experimental balloon for the future application of this special new regime to the generality of the economy service’s players.


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