
PLMJ and AICEP Portugal Global have organised two more great ‘Angola Market ABC’ conferences on for 9 January in Oporto and 12 January in Lisbon.

"Know-how for better exporting/investing" is the theme of this important initiative which will bring together specialists in Angolan investment and investors who already know the market at a conference that aims to help Portuguese companies to move into Angola or to increase their market share in the country which is already the 5th largest export destination outside the EU for Portuguese companies. Currently more than 7000 Portuguese companies sell to Angola and around 250 invest in the country. Today Angola is the 6th biggest economy in Africa and has been seeing economic growth above the global average and this tendency should increase in 2012. You will have the opportunity to find out about the main changes in the New Private Investment Law, the rules for public-private partnerships, tax incentives and customs issues, to enable you to make the most of the Angolan legal framework.


Download the pdf for registration and to consult the conference programmes for Lisbon and Oporto:


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