
PLMJ and Tomás Timbane launch “GLM - Gabinete Legal Moçambique”.


PLMJ has taken another great step on the path to internationalisation by announcing the creation of a new law firm in Mozambique that joins the international service provision network, PLMJ International Legal Network. The new firm is born out of an international cooperation agreement between PLMJ and a group of leading Mozambican lawyers who have chosen to join this new professional project and to become members of PLMJ International Legal Network. GLM will be headed by Tomás Timbane who will manage the professional coordination of a team made up of around a dozen lawyers coming from the new generation of Mozambique’s legal profession. This team will guarantee all the specialised legal assistance that clients of PLMJ’s international network need in Mozambique and its challenge will be to establish itself quickly as a leader and a benchmark in the Mozambican market. To achieve this aim it can count on support form PLMJ and, in particular, the lawyer’s of PLMJ’s Africa Desk.  

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