
PLMJ announces that Emilio Rui Vilar joins the firm as legal consultant

PLMJ is pleased to announce that Emilio Rui Vilar has joined the firm as a legal consultant. His work will focus on his areas of experience and expertise, such as the energy sector, in particular with regard to oil & gas, banking and finance, mergers and acquisitions, projects, arbitration and private clients.


Emilio Rui Vilar joining us is another step in PLMJ’s strategy which, over 45 years of history, has been to build a team that is unmatched in the market. This strategy is characterized by a culture of organic growth complimented by a policy of lateral hiring of lawyers with strong backgrounds and who are highly specialized in their areas of work. The PLMJ team is able to respond to all its clients needs, assisting them in their various activities and projects both in Portugal and internationally.

Working with Emilio Rui Vilar as a consultant also reflects PLMJ’s focus on getting closer to business and the workings of the various sectors of the economy. PLMJ believes that the vast know-how and practical experience of Emilio Rui Vilar as a manager will be of great importance and help in the specific transactions and business processes, and will contribute to a better understanding of the point of view of the CEO's and directors of companies. This approach will add value to the service we provide to our clients and contribute to enriching the professional development of the younger members of our team.

PLMJ’s board sees this addition to the team as "clear added value for all PLMJ lawyers who now have the cooperation and support of Emilio Rui Vilar, and will benefit from the knowledge and experience he has acquired over a career including a number of high ranking and demanding positions (in the public and private sectors). On behalf of PLMJ we welcome Emilio Rui Vilar and trust that it will be an enriching experience for everyone.

Emilio Rui Vilar believes that "after many years of focusing on management duties, especially in the banking sector and in the world of foundations, returning to law and the legal services profession is a new and exciting challenge. I hope my experience will be a useful contribution to the dynamics of the innovation and internationalisation of PLMJ, with whose values and excellence ​​I can identify."With a brilliant career spanning a range of industry sectors, Emilio Rui Vilar has dedicated the last decade to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, first as chairman of the board of directors (between 2002 and 2012) and, since the beginning of this year, as a non-executive director and, more recently, he was appointed to chair the Advisory Council on Foundations. During his career he also held various governmental and parliamentary positions at the Bank of Portugal, as well as taking on various roles in large companies, mainly related to the banking and energy sectors. He graduated in law from the University of Coimbra and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Lisbon (2011). Emilio Rui Vilar was also founder and first president of the management board of SEDES – the Association for Economic and Social Development and he has been decorated several times, including in particular the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ (1996) and the Grand Cross of the Order of the Infante.

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