
PLMJ at the MIPIM’s (International Property Market) International Annual Fair in Cannes


The MIPIM’s (International Property Market) International Annual Fair took place in Cannes the past 11th and 14th of March. PLMJ was represented by Partner Sofia Gomes da Costa and by Senior Associate Rita Alarcão Júdice, both with the Firm’s Corporate Area of Practice, Real Estate team.

During  the MIPIM, besides some professional meetings, PLMJ marked its presence in several events  among which should be pointed out the Pramerica’s Real Estate’s Investors annual lunch (at the Majestic Barriere Hotel with the presence of various PLMJ Clients) and the Eurohypo (at the Carlton Hotel).

MIPIM is the “top” place to join together real estate investors namely banks, insurance companies, investment Funds, constructers, and to present their most relevant projects.

MIPIM is, furthermore, the privileged spot to establish contacts with investors interested in Portugal but also with other countries Colleagues since this event is a “must“ for all big international Law  Firms.

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