
PLMJ in “The 1st Portuguese Language Law Congress”


Rui Chanterelle de Machete and Claudia Trabuco, preeminent scholars and PLMJ’s Consultants of PLMJ, respectively, participated the past 7th of May in the “1st Portuguese Language Law Congress”, a particularly important event for Portugal, the Portuguese language, the Portuguese Speaking Countries and for the strengthening of each other’s multicultural ties.

The Congress took place the past 6th and 7th of May at the Lisbon Nova University Law School Auditorium.

Claudia Trabuco was a Moderator to the panel dedicated to Civil Marriage, Factual Union, Religious Marriage and Traditional Marriage. “Which family model in the Portuguese Speaking Countries”.

Rui Chancerelle de Machete presided the event’s closing Conference an addressed the audience with the theme”The present and the Future for Portuguese Language Law”.

The Congress counted with the participation of reputed scholars from various Portuguese Universities’ Law Schools and from Universities of the Portuguese Speaking Countries, namely Brazil, Angola Mozambique, Guiné-Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe, Cape Verde and from former Portuguese territories of Goa, Macau and East Timor.

Present at the event were the Portuguese Ministers for the Presidency and Internal Administration.

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