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"100 years of Arbitration – A Commentary on Landmark Cases" is the most recent book in the PLMJ Legal Collection, coordinated by PLMJ partner, Tiago Duarte. The book, which contains the comments of 31 PLMJ lawyers on 27 landmark arbitration cases from the last 100 years, will be launched on 21 January in the Salão Nobre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 18h30. The book will be presented by José Miguel Júdice, the partner who heads PLMJ Arbitration and the driving force behind its publication, and by Rui Machete, a lawyer, professor and public law specialist.
According to José Miguel Júdice, "The book ‘100 years of Arbitration – A Commentary on the Landmark Cases’ is yet another example of citizenship in training and teaching in the arbitration community. Despite the efforts of many over the last decade, arbitration in Portugal is still basically in the Portuguese language, subject to Portuguese law, underdeveloped in terms of technology and procedural management, very formal and not very business oriented. This book is to help modernise us all.”
Among the many case commented on in this book, the oldest is “Caminho‑de‑ferro de Lourenço Marques”, which dates back to the year 1900. The book also features many other famous cases including Dutco, Hilmarton, Mitsubishi, Salini, West Tanker, Chromalloy, Abaclat, Yukos, Jivraj, Dow, Dallah, Green Tree and Esso Australia.
The PLMJ Arbitration team, headed by founding partner José Miguel Júdice, currently has more than 20 lawyers, 8 of whom are partners, of 5 different nationalities. They boast great experience in representing clients in arbitrations in five languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and German) in a range of different countries. PLMJ is the only Portuguese law firm whose arbitration team is independent from its litigation team and this truly international practice has allowed PLMJ to be named one of the 100 best law firms in the world for arbitration by the renowned Global Arbitration Review. It is the first Portuguese law firm to have received this recognition.