
PLMJ presents PLMJ Export Project in a Conference on Angola


PLMJ Export Project was a project launched by PLMJ at the beginning of this year - the year of its 40th Anniversary.

Its main goal is the consolidation of the Firm’s experience in the international markets in particular in the support to exportation by Portuguese companies.

The first event related with this project privileged the Angolan market due to its present dynamic and the  links of proximity to Portugal.

Last Friday’s Lisbon Conference “Export and Investment in Angola” was a huge success that justifies two more Conferences on Angola: in Oporto (October) and in Luanda (November/ December).

During 2007, PLMJ Export Project is also betting in the Spanish and Polish markets. Regarding Poland, PLMJ sponsored, the past 25th of May, the Portugal ‘s Investment Summit of the Polska Road Show  and is presently preparing, together with its polish partners,  the “ Investment in Poland” Seminars which will take place  at the end of September.

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