
PLMJ recommended in 15 areas of practice numbered by Legal 500

PLMJ is recommended by the british legal directory Legal 500 in all of the practice areas  that were enumerated for Portugal. Within an universe of 15 areas of practice PLMJ was considered the leading firm in  10 distinct areas
The areas of practice numbered for Portugal, the  firm qualification in terms of “ranking” and the mentioned lawyers  in each area the following:
Capital markets – 1st  “ranking”.
Mentioned lawyer :Jorge Brito Pereira
Corporate and Commercial 1st “ranking”

Mentioned lawyers: Dulce Franco, Vítor Réfega Fernandes, Gabriela Rodrigues Martins.

EU law and Competion -1stranking.”

Mentioned lawyer:José Luis da Cruz Vilaça.

Labour law: 1st  “ranking.”
Mentioned lawyer: Abel Mesquita.
Intellectual property:1st “ranking”.
Mentioned  lawyer:José Luis da Cruz Vilaça.

Privarizations: 1st “ranking”. (no personal mentions)  

Project Finance: 1stranking”.
Mentioned lawyers :Luís Sáragga Leal, Fernando Campos Ferreira and Maria castelos

Public law 1st “ranking”.

Mentioned lawyers: Teresa Melo Ribeiro, Sofia Galvão, Rui Chancerelle de Machete

Real Estate and Construction: 1st  “ranking”.
Mentioned lawyer Pedro Sáragga Leal
Tax law 1st- “ranking

Mentioned lawyers: Diogo Leite de Campos and Rogério Fernandes Ferreira

Dispute Resolution:2nd” ranking.”

Mentioned Lawyers : Nuno Líbano Monteiro, Pedro Faria and João Medeiros

Telecomunications : 2nd “ranking”.

Mentioned lawyers: José Luís da Cruz Vilaça

Banking and Finance-1st “ranking

Mentioned lawyers ;Luis Saragga Leal, Fernando Campos Ferreira, Maria Castelos

Shipping: 2º ranking.
Mentioned lawyers:Nuno Líbano Monteiro ,Filipe Abecasis .
Leading commercial firms in Oporto: 3º ranking.

Mentioned lawyers: Fernando Campos Ferreira, Victor Réfega Fernandes

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