
Proença de Carvalho present at the cycle of Conferences "Great Lawyers" organized by PLMJ


The Serralves Foundation in Oporto welcomed the II PLMJ Conference "Great Lawyers - Course and Testimonies in Direct Speech" which counted on the participation of the well-known Lisbon lawyer, Daniel Proença de Carvalho.
The speaker allied an intimate attitude with one marked by a non-conformist tone leaving the audience with a very interesting perspective of the various aspects of his professional career and his vision of the evolution of the law practice in Portugal
Dr. Proença de Carvalho particularly enhanced his early professional experience within the so-called " Sommer Inheritance Case", which occurred during the "revolutionary period" in Portugal that succeeded the25th of April revolution in 1974.
José Luis da Cruz Vilaça, PLMJ Senior partner, was entrusted with the presentation of the speaker and the moderation of the Conference.

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