
Renegotiation of the cession contract with Lusoponte. Comments to the DE by Rui Chancerelle de Machete and Tiago Duarte


Rui Chancerelle de Machete and Tiago Duarte, with  PLMJ’s Public Law area of practice, were two of the experts in this domain whose opinions the Diário Económico wanted to hear on the issue.

Rui Chancerelle de Machete, contrary to Lusoponte’s point of view ,alerts to the possibility of a an increase of traffic on the two Tagus bridges once the new Airport is in Alcochete.

Tiago Duarte on the other hand, regarding the possibility of “compensating” Lusoponte, points out  the alternatives such as  the extension of the concession time, the increase of tolls or the payment of an indemnity.

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