
Rock in Law / 1st edition Law Firms / "Bands" play for a good cause


It shall be on the next 24th of June, the event were seven of the largest Law Firms in Portugal, PLMJ included, are to unite efforts and talents to support a social cause: to raise funds for the House of St Anthony an Institution which, among other aims, lodges fosters unmarried mothers and their children preparing the first to enter the working world, in the case, to help them attend a professional Cooking and Pastry course.

Taking place at the Belém Bar Café ( BCC), by 10pm, the event t shall be opened to the public in general and an audience of nearly five hundred persons is expected.

This initiative shall constitute a small contribution for the social causes pursued by House of St Anthony such as the struggle against unemployment and to increase these young women’s future perspectives.

To learn more about the institution click the following link


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