
Rui Chancerelle de Machete highlighted in an article within the new heading “´Transatlantic” of the Portuguese newspaper “Sol”


The last edition of the Portuguese newspaper ”Sol“, in an article on the approximation of the countries within each margin of the Atlantic Ocean and the role investment represents for such aim, gives particular relevance to Rui Chancerelle de Machete, reputed Portuguese lawyer and scholar, PLMJ Consultant for the Firm’s Public Law Practice, coordinator of the same and the President of the Portuguese American Foundation for Development (FLAD) one of the great  stimulator institutions for the Seminar “Invest in America: New investment Opportunities in the United States” which took place in Lisbon the present month of May.

This event of great relevance for the transatlantic economies of Portugal and the USA counted with the legal assistance of PLMJ and the support of FLAD, the USA Embassy in Lisbon, the American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal and the Bank Caixa Geral de Depósitos.


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