
Tiago Duarte signs an article in the so called “Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa”


Tiago Duarte, PLMJ Senior Associate, is the author of an article which was published in the so called “Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa” (Exercise Books” on Administrative Justice) 55 th Issue entitled” Precautionary Provisions and Grounded Administrative Decisions” :The winner takes it all ?.

“The referred article examining, amongst the existing Public Law Jurisprudence, a recent Administrative Collective Court Decision,   does a reflection on the possibility of the Public Authorities to prevent, through a Grounded Administrative Decision, the provisional suspension of Administrative Acts in relation to which a prior Precautionary Suspension Provision has been presented.  The possibility (and the limitations) of the jurisdictional power to appreciate such Grounded Administrative Decisions issued by the Public Administration is also  pondered.”

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