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On 4 March 2025, Ministerial Order 82/2025/1 was published in Diário da República (the Official Gazette), creating the special reimbursement scheme for enteric nutrition (tube feeding) health technologies (the “Ministerial Order”).
Patients diagnosed with acute and chronic pathologies or clinical conditions related to energy and nutrient deficiencies or excesses have specific needs. In view of these needs, the Ministerial Decree establishes a special reimbursement scheme for tube feeding health technologies for the treatment of patients with nutritional imbalances.
Tube feeding formulations, modular formulations and, in the future, oral nutritional supplements will be covered by the new special reimbursement scheme.
Tube feeding formulas:
Modular formulas:
These health technologies will be limited to a maximum retail price (“MRP”) approved by INFARMED, I.P. (the Portuguese National Authority for Medicines and Healthcare Products. Price variations are allowed, but must not exceed the approved MRP.
The reimbursement of these health technologies must be requested by the manufacturer or its representative from INFARMED, I.P., which must also notify the start, suspension or cessation of sales of the reimbursed health technology so that the technology is included in the list of reimbursed products.
These technologies can only be prescribed by doctors specialising in medical oncology, internal medicine, endocrinology and nutrition, gastroenterology and paediatrics, and can only be dispensed in community pharmacies.
The Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde, E. P. E. (Joint Services of the Ministry of Health), INFARMED, I. P. and the Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, I. P. (Central Administration of the Health System), must issue the technical specifications necessary for prescribing and dispensing reimbursed health technologies within a maximum of 90 days.
The Ministerial Order also provides for the possibility of reimbursing oral nutritional supplements in the future, as a result of the evaluation and monitoring of the use of tube feeding formulations and modular formulations.
The Ministerial Order came into force on 5 March 2025 and will expire on 1 August 2025.