Sofia Coutinho
Professional Support Lawyer

Sofia Coutinho

Joined PLMJ in 2007.
Senior Professional support lawyer in the Real Estate and Tourism practice.

About Sofia

Sofia is a senior professional support lawyer in the Real Estate and Tourism practice area and has over 15 years of experience in legal practice. She specialises in residential and commercial leasing, retail and the sale and purchase of real estate assets.

She has experience in advising private and institutional clients on the structuring and development of real estate projects, acquisition and disposal transactions for rural and urban properties, sale and lease back operations, management and supervision of the marketing and operation of shopping centres and retail parks, and due diligence for large real estate portfolios.

Sofia holds a postgraduate degree in Commercial Law from the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon and a master's degree in judicial law and practice from the Faculty of Law of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


Office: Lisbon
(+351) 213 197 300*

*National landlines call


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