Priscila Santos
Managing Associate

Priscila Santos

Joined PLMJ in 2012.
Managing associate in the Tax practice.

About Priscila

Priscila is a managing associate in the Tax practice who has over 20 years’ experience focusing on tax litigation and social security litigation.

She has provided tax litigation support to important companies in the banking and insurance, energy, and real estate, construction and tourism sectors.

Priscila completed a postgraduate course in tax law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa and she is a member of the IFP - Portuguese Fiscal Association and the IFA - International Fiscal Association.

Prior to joining PLMJ, Priscilla was a trainee lawyer and associate at the law firm Maltez, Amaro & Neto.


Office: Lisbon
(+351) 213 197 300*

*National landlines call


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