Inês Gomes da Cruz
Senior Counsel

Inês Gomes da Cruz

Joined PLMJ in 1996.
Senior Counsel in the Dispute Resolution practice.

About Inês

Inês is a senior counsel  in the Dispute Resolution practice. She has over 20 years’ experience in legal practice and focuses on civil, corporate and commercial litigation.

Inês has assisted a variety of multinational companies and Portuguese economic groups coming from sectors such as energy, real estate, industry and banking. She also has experience in litigation involving maritime law and is regularly involved in very complex court cases involving high values and often more than one jurisdiction. Inês represents Portuguese and foreign individuals and companies, defining procedural strategies and representing her clients in corporate and financial litigation, among others.


Office: Lisbon
(+351) 213 197 300*

*National landlines call

English, French

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