We regularly advise issuers and financial intermediaries on structured and high-yield issuances. Our team scrupulously follows market developments, and the diversification and increasing sophistication of financing structures. It has acted in a wide range of transactions in this area, including liability management operations, exchange offers and high-yield bond issues. We assist our clients closely in all phases of each transaction, from structuring to implementation.
Our vast experience in securitisation transactions includes advising arrangers and lead managers, but also originators, issuers, joint representatives, and financial institutions in a variety of agency roles, swap counterparties, rating agencies and investors.
We also advise on regulatory issues relating to securitisation including in connection with the European Securitisation Regulation, CRD IV, CRR, AIFMR, Solvency II and Bank of Portugal Regulations.
We have an extensive track-record in advising on public and rated securitisations, and on private warehouses, for the most traditional asset classes. These include residential and commercial mortgage loans, car loans (leasing and renting), SMEs, consumer credit (unsecured) and industrial equipment leasing.
We have played a central role in some of the most innovative structured debt and securitisation operations in Portugal, and we have contributed to the development of legal technology in this field. Our team was recently responsible for structuring:
We have also recently acted in the first STS securitisation in Portugal and were responsible for the incorporation and regulatory approval process of the most recent securitisation vehicles in Portugal (securitisation companies).