Meticulosos com o que é. Inconformistas com o que pode vir a ser.
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Procuramos pessoas que vão mais longe, que enfrentam o futuro com confiança.
Meticulosos com o que é. Inconformistas com o que pode vir a ser.
Conheça a equipaSubscreva a newsletter PLMJ para receber informação, alertas e novidades sobre as suas áreas e setores de interesse.
Procuramos pessoas que vão mais longe, que enfrentam o futuro com confiança.
Luís Pais Antunes, Managing Partner de PLMJ, irá falar no seguinte painel:
10.45 Panel: Transitioning Markets - growing pains?
Our panel of some of the brightest lights and leading practitioners operating in transitioning, or so-called 'emerging', markets discuss the developments in the business and legal communities of their jurisdiction and regions and the opportunities that these are creating, for both clients and firms. We also look more broadly at the key issues that face many jurisdictions as markets mature and develop such as managing geopolitical risk, economic stability, regulatory change and policy risk, and societal change and acceptance.
O programa complete aqui.
Legal Week